Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Seth! Big 3!

Well, yesterday was Seth's 3rd birthday. It was really nice. We ended up being able to see most of our families, plus some of our friends. It was such a party! I love seeing everyone and having them over. I think Seth had a great day. He loved all his presents (which were mostly from the dollar store, but they had all he wanted!). We attempted to make a spiderman cake, which turned out OK, but all that really matters was that Seth loved it.

We've also had some 1 yr old naughtiness at our house lately. These are just a few of the things our little Lukey has been up to. (1) He dumped out all the Q-tips and chewed on most of them, (2) He has been running and flinging himself into the bath after I get his pajamas and clothes on. I always get him out first because I know Seth won't drown in the 5 minutes it takes me to dress Luke. Anyways, now I either get them both out, or shut the door until I can let the water out. He is so hilarious! (3) He also loves his bottle and blankie. I've got to take the bottle away I know, but it's just too cute to see him draging it along with his bottle in his mouth.
Seth has been cracking me up lately. He says some pretty funny things that I know he must get from listenening to me. He calls a lot of things "creepy", and likes to pretend he's me by saying "where's my loves today?" He also just loves to dress up in any costume he can find. It's a sad day when he has to wear real clothes out in public. Finally we've come to some agreement. He won't have to wear a costume if his shirt has some sort of super hero on it. I'll have to post some pics of him in his suits. He has some that are pretty funny.
Oh.... I almost forgot Seth's biggest accomplishment so far. Yep, we're finally potty trained! He's doing so good! I'm so proud of him everyday! It was a pretty big deal since we tried a few times without success.
We also had a great time at the 4th of July fireworks. Both of the boys loved them.....and the glow sticks.


Lake said...


Howells Fam said...

Yay for potty training! One down, one more to go. I love the spiderman cake, that's so crafty - I'm pretty sure poor Carlee is going to suffer when it comes to the creative cake department on her birthdays...