So I've decided I can only post about 2 times a year because that seems to be about as often as I think about it. :)
I guess I'll start from Christmas. So after our Hawaii trip our camera was broken from all the sand, so for Christmas I got a new camera. I love it! It's been super fun! The boys got spoiled of course. They had such a fun day! They make Christmas so much fun! Here are the boys showing off some of their spoils.
Next would be Lukey's 4th birthday. I am trying to do a big party for their birthday every 4 years so that the parties fall on the big birthdays like 4,8,12,16. Anyways, this year was Lukes turn and he wanted a Mario party. This kid loves Mario and video games so I decided to give it a try. It ended up pretty darn cute. I made each boy a hat. Luke of course was Mario, Ethan was going to be Luigi (but he fell asleep during the party so we let Luke best friend be him) Seth was Wario, and the rest of the friends were Toadies. We started by making Mario carts out of boxes and racing downstair. Then we played all the games. There was the ghost bean bag toss, pop the gumbas, find yoshi's eggs, and the bomb pinata. In each of these there were gold coins to collect just like on the games, so the boys thought it was pretty awesome!
Lukey loves anything Mario, and loves to play outside with his best buddy Rhett. He's getting super fast on his big boy bike, and likes to play/fight with his brothers. He is the cutest little 4 year old I know. And he is my best hugger. Lukey is quite the lovey boy and we love him so much!
Next I just have to say thank goodness two year olds are so cute, otherwise their messes wouldn't be nearly as fun to clean up. :) Ethan has been bringing out all his two year old business. Some of my favs. are when he gets my muffin tin out and fills it with cereal.
He also loves wearing this tigger costume, he even had to wear it the the Easter egg hunt this year. :)These last two just show some of the things he does to keep busy like playing in the flour while I was making pie and putting on some beautiful bright pink lipstick (which he thought was pretty scary once he saw himself in the mirror).
But with a face like this handsome devil who can resist the cuteness?!
One last note of info....we just found out we are having a girl!!! I know I know I am so excited! We are due the first week in August, but the day doesn't matter cuz I'm planning on the end of July. ;) We'll see how it goes. Until then I'm picking out anything pink and purple I can find!
Lastly, Easter was wonderful. The boys got their super handsome church clothes from Grandma LeeAnn. They also had a super fun time finding eggs and flying their new kites.
Oh my heck Kim your family is so cute! I'm beginning to realize boys are a handful! My two year old keeps me pretty busy too!
What a great things!
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